AI innovation package to support Artificial Intelligence startups and SMEs

A package of measures available to support European startups and SMEs in the development of trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI)

InnoBuyer innovation procurement call: 60K for SMEs developping solutions in healthcare, transport, justice and energy sectors Copy

InnoBuyer is an innovative public procurement project financed by the European Innovation Council under Horizon Europe. They currently have an open call that aims at funding SMEs that can solve a series of predefined challenges issued by public actors that face unmet needs in the healthcare, transport, justice and energy sectors. What’s in it for […]

Open Pitch Day 2023 of Fraport AG (Frankfurt Airport) for innovative, digital startups

Pioneering ideas, technologies and business models to create the airport of the future via an Open Pïtch Day

Are you active in the health sector? Seize the opportunity to make deals with selected players based in Europe !

Enterprise Europe Brussels advisors work in close collaboration with colleagues from Enterprise Europe Network gathered together - among the other ways - around sectors and themes. Read here a focus on health

Get financial support to replace hazardous substances in your products with Belgium Builds Back Circular

Do you want to replace hazardous substances in your products? Are you looking for financial support? In this case, apply for the 3rd Belgium Builds Back Circular (BBBC) call for projects!

European funding dedicated to SMEs in e-health and digital health market

European funfing dedicated to SMEs in e-health