All IN : INternationalisation & INnovation to INcrease your INcome
Tailored and free support for SMEs on access to public funding, innovation management and internationalisation In today’s competitive and complex business landscape, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often find themselves facing numerous challenges when it comes to accessing funding, making the most out of their innovation potential, and expanding internationally. These hurdles can sometimes hinder […]
R&I related public consultation on dual-use technologies
The overall objective of this White Paper is to explore options to improve the integration and cross-fertilisation of civil and defence technologies in the European industry. It will do this by pursuing the better use and exploitation of project results and identifying actions to allow, where applicable, dual-use results from civil R&D activities for defence applications and from defence R&D activities for civil applications.
Migration of results from civil EU-funded R&D programmes to the defence sector : a way to expand business
EUDIS - EU Defence Innovation Scheme - is built around a series of support measures to help European innovative companies bring their ideas to defence end-users.
Cascade funding: what’s in for start-ups, scale-ups, SME and/or mid-caps?
Even tough we introduced the principle of a cascade funding scheme, Enterprise Europe Brussels wants to add a few lines to "dejargonise" the concept and help the potential beneficiaries to easily catch what's in for them via these calls.
Launch of the Innovation Radar platform & pilot cooperation with Enterprise Europe Brussels c/o
In April 2018 the European Commission launched the Innovation Radar platform. Today, Enterprise Europe Brussels c/o is proud to announce that it has been selected by the EC to participate in a pilot action aimed at offering the Network's support to these innovators.