The supply chains disruptions: analysis and impact on economic sectors

Supply Chain disruption : what's the situation in your sector?

Consultation / Call for evidence on New EU legislative initiative for associations: speak up your voice !

The EC has launched a call for evidence and public consultation on a proposal for a legislative initiative on cross-border activities of associations. Feedback from stakeholders will be collected until 28 October

30 Euroclusters lancés pour mettre en œuvre la stratégie industrielle de l’UE: des retombées pratiques pour les PME à Bruxelles

La CE a officiellement présenté à Prague hier et avant-hier les 30 Euroclusters lancés pour mettre en œuvre la stratégie industrielle de l'UE. Les Euroclusters sont des initiatives stratégiques intersectorielles, interdisciplinaires et transeuropéennes de clusters industriels et d'autres acteurs économiques tels que des organismes de recherche, des entreprises, etc.

What do you think about a EU framework for sustainable food?

In the context of a strategy which aims to support the transition to a sustainable food system, the European Commission announced an initiative for a Framework for Sustainable Food Systems which will be putted forward in 2023. This survey will gather the views of SMEs to this policy initiative.