“A Drone Strategy 2.0 for a Smart and Sustainable Unmanned Aircraft Eco-System in Europe” adopted

The EC adopted yesterday the "Drone Strategy 2.0 for a Smart and Sustainable Unmanned Aircraft Eco-System in Europe", closing works started in 2014 to build the foundations of a comprehensive EU policy in the field of drones

CRANE PCP Tender eHealth

Are you developing a solution that uses data for the patient self-management of chronic deseases? Comprehensive Treatment of Chronic Patients in Rural Areas (CRANE) PCP (Pre-Commercial Procurement) research project aims to use the potential of data to develop a technical solution to improve chronic patient’s wellbeing. The CRANE solution aims to make the citizens entire […]

30 Euroclusters lancés pour mettre en œuvre la stratégie industrielle de l’UE: des retombées pratiques pour les PME à Bruxelles

La CE a officiellement présenté à Prague hier et avant-hier les 30 Euroclusters lancés pour mettre en œuvre la stratégie industrielle de l'UE. Les Euroclusters sont des initiatives stratégiques intersectorielles, interdisciplinaires et transeuropéennes de clusters industriels et d'autres acteurs économiques tels que des organismes de recherche, des entreprises, etc.

Enterprise Europe Brussels services in a nutshell

Great ideas & businesses don’t just develop themselves, if you’re based in Brussels, we can support you in several ways! In 1m49s video finds out how!

Appel à contributions: Nouvel agenda européen de l’innovation

Le nouvel agenda accompagnera la double transition en prenant davantage en compte la nouvelle vague d’innovation dans le domaine «deep tech».

5 leading European hospitals uses the EU’s pre-commercial procurement (PCP) contractual scheme to challenge and stimulate European industry

The goal of the STARS project is to design, to develop and to test a resilient support tool, to be applied for patients, planned for surgery, with the aim of reducing stress and anxiety as well as improving the health condition of the patient during the complete care path. Reduction of the stress, experienced by […]

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