Enquête PME sur la législation Reach
De Commissie herziet momenteel de REACH-verordening en wil graag zien wat de verwachte gevolgen van de voorgenomen wijzigingen voor kmo’s zijn door middel van een vragenlijst. Deze feedback zal de Commissie helpen de manier waarop de herziene REACH-verordening voor kmo’s werkt, te verbeteren.
5 leading European hospitals uses the EU’s pre-commercial procurement (PCP) contractual scheme to challenge and stimulate European industry
The goal of the STARS project is to design, to develop and to test a resilient support tool, to be applied for patients, planned for surgery, with the aim of reducing stress and anxiety as well as improving the health condition of the patient during the complete care path. Reduction of the stress, experienced by […]
La plateforme « résilience de la chaîne d’approvisionnement » est lancée
La plateforme aide les entreprises à conserver, à restructurer ou à remplacer les chaînes d’approvisionnement existantes.
Survey on testing and certification barriers in EU export markets
This survey is targeted at EU companies manufacturing or selling industrial products. Its aim is to increase awareness among EU industry of the opportunities provided by Mutual Recognition Agreements and to identify specific challenges faced by EU industry in respect of conformity assessment in markets outside the European Union.
Business opportunities in Lithuania
These business opportunities from Lithuanian companies are published on the Enterprise Europe Network opportunities database.