Dans Innovation

Last March 2018, Enterprise Europe Brussels dedicated an article to the Innovation Radar describing the “What’s in for your EU R&D project?” purposes of this EU action.

Today, Enterprise Europe Brussels c/o hub.brussels is proud to announce that it has been selected by the EC to participate in a pilot action aimed at offering the Network’s services to these innovators so as to help maximise the impact of EU-funded projects by ensuring that they receive the support they need at a critical time for their growth.

The involvement of Enterprise Europe Brussels c/o hub.brussels results from a pro-active and independent action started even before the EC pilot action and consisting in the analysis of data available in the Innovation Radar around players based in the Brussels Capital Region.

The Innovation Radar allows navigating the map to find innovations based in Brussels. The filters include the possibility to discover innovations based on their market readiness, according to 4 categories reflecting different levels of maturity of innovations and notably:

• « Optimisation« : Innovations considered ‘Ready for the market’.

• « Creation« : Innovations that are progressing on the technology development process.

• « Commitment« : Innovations for which concrete market-oriented ideas have been put together.

• « Exploration« : Innovations in the early phases of technological readiness.

As of today,  in the Brussels Capital Region the Innovation Radar has identified 40 Innovations, developed by 23 Innovator organisations. Enterprise Europe Brussels c/o hub.brussels will get in touch with each of these innovation organisations to offer support for further development.

A quick reminder on the Innovation Radar

The Innovation Radar is a data-driven online tool which provides easy access to innovations supported by EU funding and to the innovators behind them. It will allow every citizen, public official, professional and business person to discover the outputs of EU innovation funding and give them a chance to seek out innovators who could follow in the footsteps of companies such as Skype, TomTom, ARM Holdings, all of whom received EU funding in their early days.
Innovation Radar is not only a databank: it is designed to help broker contact between EU-funded innovators and, for example, investors or other professionals who can help them get their innovations to market, be it with additional expertise or capital. In other terms, this tool helps identifying highly innovative projects and companies which could make use – among the others – of the Enterprise Europe Network’s support.

The Innovation Radar platform builds on information and data gathered by independent experts involved in reviewing ongoing projects funded by the EU (under H2020, FP7 or CIP). These experts also provided an independent view regarding the innovations in the projects and their market potential.

More info: Barbara Andreani , bandreani@hub.brussels

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