Dans Economy, Internationalisation, Innovation

In order to promote the development of European drone sector, the European Commission has adopted common rules at the European Union level. These rules will define the characteristics and capabilities that drones must possess in order to fly safely, but will also help to encourage investment and innovation in this promising sector.

For those purposes, the Commission builds on the national rules that were in place and now provides a harmonized framework for EU Member States. The aim is to apply the highest safety standards in manned aviation to drones.

Therefore, the rules are based on an assessment of operational risk and establish a balance between the obligations of drone manufacturers and operators in terms of safety, privacy, environment, protection against noise and security.

In addition to the technical requirements, the Commission plans to adopt provisions on the operation of drones. Besides, these rules will apply to all types of operations (operation without prior authorization or aircraft operation and certified operation) and to minimum remote pilot training requirements.

In the future, these technical and operational rules will replace the national rules on drones that currently exist in the EU Member States. From 2020, drones will have to be registered with national authorities.

The aim is for drone operators to have a clear understanding of what is and is not allowed, and to be able to use their drones transparently throughout the EU or to develop an activity involving drones in Europe.

Regulation : HERE

Annex: HERE

Photo by Jared Brashier on Unsplash

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