Dans Général

Launched under EIT Urban Mobility, Rapid Applications for Transport (RAPTOR), an agile, entrepreneurial challenge-based innovation with rapid development timelines.

On 29 February 2024, the competition was launched for startups and SMEs to propose solutions addressing a list of 13 city mobility challenges. Each city, supported by technical and business advisors, will select the most promising startups/SMEs to receive funding, to develop their solution to be tested in the city within five months of award.

A maximum of 13 awardees, one per city challenge, will be selected and supported by EIT Urban Mobility financially, technically, and commercially, from August to December 2024. In addition to funding of up to €40,000, awardees will receive technical and business mentoring, and support to market and promote the project. Applicants are sought from EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated states.

Applications close 6 May 2024, 17h CET.

More information: https://raptorproject.eu/2024/03/04/raptor-2024-call-now-open/

Actualités dans la catégorie Voir toutes les actualités

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Enquête sur l’intelligence artificielle et les « contrats intelligents »

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STAGE Financial Grants for SMEs to support sustainable transition

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