How doing business with a Japanese company?

For Westerners, Japan is like another world: another language, another culture, but also another way of doing business, which requires being well understood when dealing with a Japanese company. UNDERSTANDING THE HIERARCHY Contrary to popular belief, the hierarchy in Japanese enterprise is very egalitarian and democratic, where power tends to be more centralised in a […]

New liability rules on products and AI to protect consumers and foster innovation

The Commission adopted end of September two proposals to adapt liability rules to the digital age, circular economy and the impact of global value chains.

Wat denkt u van een EU kader voor een duurzaam voedselsysteem?

In de context van een strategie die tot doel heeft de overgang naar een duurzaam voedselsysteem te ondersteunen, heeft de Europese Commissie een initiatief aangekondigd voor een kader voor duurzame voedselsystemen dat in 2023 zal worden voorgesteld. Met deze vragenlijst worden de standpunten van KMOs over dit beleidsinitiatief verzameld.

Uitvoering van de EU productregels: de blauwe gids is gepubliceerd

The Commission published the ‘Blue Guide on the implementation of the product rules 2022’. The Guide is meant for a better understanding of EU product rules and facilitation of their uniform application across sectors throughout the Single Market.

EU funded internationalisation initiatives helping SMEs to enter new markets.

You find below an overview on EU funded internationalisation initiatives/projects helping SMEs and start-ups to enter new markets. Access2Markets The EU trade portal provides information businesses need to trade with third countries, such as on tariffs, taxes, procedures, formalities and requirements, rules of origin, export statistics, trade barriers and much more. Africa IP SME Helpdesk […]

EU funding for environmental and climate projects – Life call for proposals 2022

The LIFE programme is the EU financial instrument supporting the EU Green Deal’s objectives through policy driven actions related to environmental, nature conservation and climate projects. Since 1992 LIFE has funded more than five thousand projects supporting Nature Conservation, Circular Economy and Climate Mitigation and Adaptation. The 2021-2027 LIFE programme has a budget of €5.4 […]