Two Short Online Open Courses on the New European Bauhaus

EIT Community is organizing two new learning opportunities for anyone curious about the history, theory, and practical application of the New European Bauhaus movement and its principles of sustainability, inclusivity, and aesthetics. Hosted on Future Learn, the two short courses are free of charge and available to start right away, to learn at your own […]

Een korte gids over het gebruik van vrijhandelsovereenkomsten

Door gebruik te maken van EU-vrijhandelsovereenkomsten bij export-/import transacties kunnen bedrijven de douanetarieven voor de invoer van goederen in de landen van bestemming verlagen. Er zijn voorwaarden waaraan moet worden voldaan en er moet een proces worden gevolgd met de importeur. Bedrijven kunnen hun concurrentiepositie verbeteren ten opzichte van bedrijven uit niet-EU-landen die niet profiteren van dergelijke vrijhandelsovereenkomsten.

EU and Kenya sign ambitious Economic Partnership Agreement

The EU and Kenya announced end of last year the political conclusion of the negotiations for an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). The Agreement will boost trade in goods and create new economic opportunities, with targeted cooperation to enhance Kenya's economic development. It is the most ambitious EU trade deal with a developing country when it comes to sustainability provisions such as climate and environmental protection and labour rights.

Funding Opportunity: Innovative Health Initiative (IHI)

The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) is a partnership for health research and innovation between the EU (funded through Horizon Europe) and Europe’s life science industries. Scientists from academia, diverse industry sectors, SMEs, mid-sized companies, hospitals and patients’ organisations are encouraged to get involved. The IHI holds regular calls for proposals and you can sign up […]

Hoe van de interne markt profiteren voor de ontwikkeling van activiteiten in Europa?

De Europese eengemaakte markt, maakt het mogelijk goederen, diensten, mensen en kapitaal vrij te verplaatsen binnen de EU, waardoor het bedrijfsleven nieuwe kansen biedt.

Share your views on the Combined Transport Directive revision proposal

On 7 November 2023, the European Commission opened a feedback period on its proposal for the revision of the Combined Transport Directive. The Combined Transport Directive supports the shift from road freight to lower emission transport modes such as inland waterways, maritime transport and rail. In light of the European Green Deal’s calls for higher […]