In Algemeen, Internationalisering, Innovation, Sustainability

Some R&DI projects financed by the European Commission are issuing a number of calls with cascading funds. In other cases, large accounts / multinationals open technical challenges (technical problems / issues) that innovative SMEs / start-ups or scale-ups can solve. In both cases, real opportunities for SMEs, start-ups and scale-ups

If you are interested in discovering if one of these opportunities falls within your sector and area of expertise, then read here below and benefit from our support to prepare at best your application. There’s a lot of competition but mission IS NOT impossible!

1. DREAM – Digital Resilient Europe for Advanced Manufacturing CallClosing: 25 May 2023 at 17:00 (Brussels time)

DREAM is an Eurocluster project that focuses on digital and smart manufacturing. The general objective of the DREAM Open Call is to financially support small and market-oriented projects involving SMEs, consisting of the integration and the use of digital technologies into manufacturing environments. DREAM Financial Support will be allocated to collaborative consortium applying to the DREAM Open Call, and demonstrating how the implementation of innovative digital technologies support the green transition of manufacturing processes, especially concerning the improved and more efficient use of resources (energy, water, supplies, materials). It also seeks to accelerate the access to the market to new digital products and services provided by technology SMEs, applied to the manufacturing domain strengthening innovation and growth in Europe.

The consortium composition must be composed of at least 2 partners:
Partner 1 = SME from digital sector
Partner 2 = Private entity from industrial sector

The maximum funding per project is 30.000 € under the form of a grant lump-sum. Only SMEs are eligible to receive funding.

The DREAM Open Call will provide financial support to two different types of actions, namely:

  • Prototyping action will target companies having already carried out a feasibility study, and having the need to develop a prototype, to spend efforts in miniaturisation, testing, experimentation, MVP building, etc. (TRL 6).
  • Demonstration action will target companies having already developed and tested a prototype, with the need to demonstrate its efficiency on a larger scale, in real environment (TRL 7-8).
    The expected technologies in the DREAM Open Call are digital technologies that can contribute to the sustainability challenge and the resilience of processes:

Artificial intelligence, Big Data and analytics
Internet of Things (IoT)
Cloud Computing
Autonomous Robotics
Immersive technologies (AR/VR)
System Integration

Guide for Applicants:


Register & Apply

2. SILICON EUROCLUSTER : call for demonstration projects of microelectronics systems openClosing: 31 May 2023 at 17:00 (Brussels time)

The Silicon Euroclusters project expects to fund with the call 12 market-oriented projects involving consortia with at least 2 SMEs.

Funded projects will receive up to 80.000€ and the total budget of the call is 960.000 €.

They are expecting technological solutions including a prototype (demonstrator) of a #microelectronics system and which may also include other technologies such radio communications, cybersecurity, energy harvesting, AI, sensors or photonics.

Eligible projects may include:

  • Investigation of technical and design requirements.
  • Development of prototypes or demonstration versions of products or services. This may also include pilot work, testing and validation.
  • Planning and carrying out studies/testing to verify an innovation.
  • Investigation of market conditions, such as identifying customers, customer needs, potential partners, and competitors

Earliest projects start date: 01/09/2023 – 01/10/2023
Project duration: 6 to 9 months

The awarded project consortium will be able to receive up to 80.000€, but contributions received by each individual SME taking part in the call for application cannot be higher than 60,000€. Please note that only 30% of the contribution can be used for subcontracting.

Two informative webinars with Q&A session will be organized on the 18th of April and 03rd of May at 10.00 CET.
You can register for the first one in this link:

Guide for applicants


2 Webinar sessions will be organized to present the programme and to respond any questions related to the open calls. More information soon!

18/04/2023 at 10.00 CET -> Registration Open through this link

03/05/2023 at 10.00 CET

3. Scaleup landing pad Hamburg – Opportunity for greentech scaleups to enter German marketDeadline to submit proposals: 6 June 2023

Greentech scaleups offering solutions in the fields of mobility, logistics, energy or construction can apply until April 30th to get a smooth entry to German market with incentives and services worth up to 50.000€, from business development to location consulting, business services, and living & workspace support.

A scaleup can apply, if it
… is between 3 and 10 years old.
… has a proven product-market fit in your home market.
… shows proof of a strong growth phase within the past two years.
… does not have a base in Hamburg nor headquarters in Germany.
… is able to actively participate in Hamburg’s ecosystem during the participation in the Landing Pad.

4. METASTARS : call for innovation projects targeting SMEs from the Aeronautics, Space, Defence and ICT sectors wishing to submit proposals related to Aerospace & Defence.

This call for innovation projects will support two types of projects:

  • Innovative projects low-risk: Projects (TRL 5-7) that reach the development of more digital or greener innovation products or services, enhancing the autonomy of the ASD value chain.
  • Innovative projects high-risk: Projects (TRL 2-5) that reach the development of high-risk innovation products or services in the ASD value chain.

More detailed info in the Participants Portal

5. iPRODUCE Hackathon – Opportunity for start-ups to develop an idea

The iPRODUCE project introduces a novel social manufacturing framework (SMF) that embraces manufacturing companies in the consumer goods sector, their associations/ networks, fablabs/makers spaces, “Do-it- Yourself” (DIY) communities and various other innovation players at a local level to proven in mass-production environments, in economies of scale and in dealing with a wide variety of products.

The iPRODUCE platform, OpiS, contributes to establishing a corporation between makers and industry/manufacturing domain.

Within the project a hackathon will be organised where the tools from the platform can be tried and tested while start-ups work on a prototype for their product idea.

The hackathon will be a hybrid event taking place between 20 and 22 April 2023

You can check it out here

6. Individual Innovate Boost Grant: opportunities for SMEs active in the textile sectorDeadline to submit proposals: 07 June 2023

EuroBoosTEX will support green and digital transition innovation and prospecting for new markets and business partners for EU textile SMEs with a cascade funding mechanism. The main objective of this alliance is to connect the textile ecosystems, to develop activities and a portfolio of services to attract talent to the textile industry and to develop digital tools ideas concerning the Textile Sector.

The target audience of EuroBoosTEX call for proposals are innovative SMEs (including start-ups) active in the Textile ecosystem, that are established or with a branch office in one of the 27 EU Member States.

For more detailed information about this call, please consult the Funding & Tenders portal.

7. CircInWater: opportunities for SMEs addressing the lack of water-smart solutionsDeadline to submit proposals: 31 May 2023 17:00 (CET)

The Innovation lump sum provides financial support to SMEs for developing new products, services or methods addressing the water-related challenges in the agri-food and energy-intensive industries.

The aim of the Innovation lump sum is to support SMEs to scale up and implement close-to-market water-smart solutions.

At least one or several of the following eligible activities must be addressed:

Development of a prototype
Validation of technologies, services, or methodologies in a relevant environment
Demonstrating technologies, services, or methodologies in a relevant or operational environment
Designing, engineering and/or testing a pilot
Developing a complete and qualified system
Designing and/or implementing business case

More detailed information on the Funding & Tenders portal.

8. EPICENTRE – opportunities in Health, Agrifood and Digital-Fintech sectorsDeadline to submit proposals: 29 May 2023

EPICENTRE aims to support SMEs and Start-ups in the development of innovative solutions in collaboration with Corporates that make a significant impact in the sectors and value chains they belong to. It envisions creating new cross-sectoral/border value chains by establishing SMEs – Clusters – Mid-Caps and Corporates in the following areas: ICT, Fintech, Health and Agri-food.

SMEs and Startups will be invited to submit a project proposal to solve a set of challenges provided by the Corporates from the Health, Agrifood and Digital-Fintech sectors. The applications selected, will enter the EPICENTRE Acceleration program and enrol in the EPICENTRE Academy.

More detailed information about the call is available on the Funding & Tenders portal.

More info? Contact Barbara Andreani – mail :

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