Open Pitch Day 2023 of Fraport AG (Frankfurt Airport) for innovative, digital startups

Pioneering ideas, technologies and business models to create the airport of the future via an Open Pïtch Day

Cascade funding: what’s in for start-ups, scale-ups, SME and/or mid-caps?

Even tough we introduced the principle of a cascade funding scheme, Enterprise Europe Brussels wants to add a few lines to "dejargonise" the concept and help the potential beneficiaries to easily catch what's in for them via these calls.

8 unmissible (funding) opportunities for SMEs / start-ups / scale-ups

Some R&DI projects financed by the European Commission are issuing a number of calls with cascading funds. In other cases, large accounts / multinationals open technical challenges (technical problems / issues) that innovative SMEs / start-ups or scale-ups can solve. In both cases, real opportunities for SMEs, start-ups and scale-ups