Enterprise Europe Brussels advisors work in close collaboration with colleagues from Enterprise Europe Network, split in sectors and themes. This time, the Health/e-health sector group has compiled a catalogue of collaboration opportunities which – hopefully – will help you identify your next client / partner.
A network in the network
Since 2008, Enterprise Europe Brussels’ core mission is to help SMEs, companies, academia and other players – having the ambition and the capacity to go international -identifyng opoortunities, clients and partners abroad.
With such a purpose, the advisors work in close collaboration with the Enterprise Europe colleagues in the network, gathered together around either economic / sector-related groups or thematic areas.
The aim of such a kind of grouping is first of all to boost the chances to find the right client / partners based in one of the > 40 countries of the network. Thus, a sort of a closed network in THE big network.
The advisors rely on different means and tools to create and exploit partnering opportunities: matchmaking events (consult HERE the articles promoting the forthcomong B2B events), a platform of collaboration profiles that you can consult HERE, alerts we can help create to reach your mailbox and restricted to what does matter for your business develompent.
The health / e-health-related collaboration profiles
The colleagues from the health/e-health sector group have compiled a catalogue of profiles from European companies, universities, hospitals proposing cooperation based on business, tech and/or reseearch activities.

You can find the full catalogue here below:
You found something interesting?
If you are interested in one or more profile, please contact :
Barbara Andreani (bandreani@hub.brussels ) for profiles starting with TO or TR or RDR
Jean-Philippe Mergen (jpm@beci.be) for profiles starting with BO or BR