STAGE Financial Grants for SMEs to support sustainable transition
The partners of “Sustainable Transition to the Agile and Green Enterprise (STAGE)” launched the new call of theSTAGE Grant Programme, targeting SMEs and sustainable/financial advisors. Through a competitive process, the STAGE Grant Programme will provide up to 25.000 € funding for SME, to support the preparation of an investment project plan and/or other additional services (needed for the investment plan preparation), facilitating the company’s sustainable transition. Only SMEs from […]
EENergy Call 2024 now open!
Is your company in search of support for energy efficiency improvements? More than 900 grants are available for SMEs to support their energy efficiency. The EENergy call is set to allocate €9 million in the form of 900+ grants for SMEs across Europe. The grant is aimed at enhancing the energy efficiency of enterprises with a […]
Cascade funding opportunities to support SMEs in their sustainable transition
At the EEN Annual Conference that took place in Bilbao from 14 to 17 November 2023 the Enterprise Europe Network presented a series of cascade funding opportunities for SMEs that wish to get support in their process towards sustainable entrepreneurship. What is cascade funding? The cascade funding principle is based on awards that have been […]
EEN Energy Solutions Catalogue
In the framework of the EUSEW 2023 in Brussels on 22nd of June, the EEN has published an “Energy Solutions Catalogue”. The catalogue is a collection of 75 solutions for energy efficiency, energy saving and renewable energies that are already available in the market. These technical and service solutions are a major support for energy intensive industries […]
List of Short-Term Measures to Save and Substitute Energy at Companies
Due to the current high-price situation for energy, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Europe are under great pressure to reduce their energy consumption, to be-come more energy efficient and/ or to make use of carbon neutral renewable energies by replacing climate damaging fossil fuels.
New European Bauhaus: explore the funding opportunities, become a friend and join the upcoming Festival in Brussels!
The New European Bauhaus is getting shape The New European Bauhaus (NEB) was launched by President von der Leyen in her 2020 State of the Union address and was co-designed together with thousands of people and organizations across Europe and further beyond. It is an environmental, economic, and cultural project of the European Commission, aiming to combine design, […]